Welcome to Thieler Law Corp.


Trusted, Skilled, Experienced.


Thieler Law Corp (USA) together with Prof. Dr. Thieler – Prof. Dr. Böh – Thieler Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH "Thieler Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH" (Germany) represents clients from all over the world. The Thieler Law firm originally started as a national law firm in Germany over 60 years ago. At Thieler Law Corp (USA) and Thieler Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (Germany) we combine years of legal expertise.  We focus on the most efficient and successful client representation. The attorneys of the law firm Thieler are highly specialized in their area of expertise. Our lawyers, all of whom were trained at the finest law schools, have successfully tried dozens of cases to verdict and obtaining outstanding results for our clients.

At Thieler Law we offer consulting and client representation at the highest achievable level. The areas of expertise of the attorneys of the Thieler law firm,  among others, are corporate law, investment law, securities law, and international law. 

Most of our attorneys and other staff members have all worked or studied in a foreign country and speak multiple languages.  Our German attorneys are licensed to practice law in Germany, regardless of the German state they are licensed. They are licensed to prcatice law at all district, circuit, and German supreme courts.  This is a great advantage for you because it means that our team's competence is based on well-grounded higher university education in their home country and internationally as well as practical experience through international work. For matters that require specialized knowledge or licenses that we don't have we will get the assistance of specialized local attorneys.  Thieler Law Corp, either by itself or in conjunction with other law firms, represents individual and institutional clients in private and class action litigation. Thieler Law Corp. and Thieler Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH. attorneys practice only in jurisdictions or courts where they are admitted. We are only licensed to practice German law. We are neither licensed nor qualified to render advice on US Federal or State law. For matters that require specialized knowledge that we don't have we will get the assistance of specialized attorneys and are happy to refer you to other hand picked Law Firms.

Our attorneys additionally possess outstanding academic credentials, such as a Master in Business Administration (MBA) or a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in their area of expertise and are therefore highly specilized.


Please contact us


In the US:

by email at mail@thielerlaw.com or phone at +1 (619) 377 - 4324 or by mail at:


Thieler Law Corp.

2534 State Street - Suite 406

San Diego, CA 92101, USA

Phone: +1 (619) 377 - 4324

Facsimile: +1 (619) 785 - 3185

Email: mail@thielerlaw.com


In Germany:

Prof. Dr. Thieler – Prof. Dr. Böh – Thieler Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Bahnhofstraße 89

82166 Gräfelfing


Phone: 0049 / 89 / 44 232 99 – 0
Telefax.: 0049 / 89 / 44 232 99 – 20


Website: https://www.rechtsanwalt-thieler.de/ 




Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

The materials appearing on this website are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. You should not take action based upon this information without consulting legal counsel. This site is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon any single source of information, including advertising on this website. You may ask us to send you further information about us, and we urge you to review other sources of information about us.